
Lets make (and review) memes! Our kind of memes.

Well, not “make” as in I made them personally, obviously I didn’t. But you know what I meant.

Our fate.

This one is quite classic reference. There are also other variants.

Our trollface.

Nothing more is needed to say. Just look how various trollfaces degenerate into… something else.

Our doing.

Obvious variant of “When you tell slightly offensive joke at the dinner table”. Though one is wondering: what passes for “slightly offensive joke” at that kind of dinner table?

Perils of saving image.

Hell is right-clicking to save an image, accidentally clicking “email image” and having to wait forty years for some email program you didn’t even existed to rise from its slumber like some lovecraftian ancient god, meanwhile the fans on your laptop are preparing for takeoff and you stare dead-eyed as the rainbow spirals, spirals, spirals. You wait and suffer this cosmic karma. Days pass. “Just a few more seconds”, you slur. Your laptop freeezes and the concept of time is no longer comprehensible. Your family and friends forget your name and you fade from existence.

– wise words of internet